If we want to uplift a community we need to make them educated and financially independent andwith this belief ITCT is running vocational training centres under the name “Victory Flag” for theunemployed tribal youths in different locations of the country.
ITCT at present is running two tailoringcentre, one in Ajodhya hill top Purulia and the other one in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Besidesthis ITCT has also organized a training program for the bee farmers in Palghar district of Maharashtra incollaboration with Khadi India and the Ministry of Micro Small & Medium


In the Chotojamira village,
ITCT gas started farming projects where it provides training to farmers on organic farming and also helps the farmers with saplings of fruit trees. These farmers earlier used to do farming using the trading method and after receiving farming training, they can now see a rise in theyield of crops and fruits.
Many times, tribal people approach us with different needs, and from our trust we try to help them inall possible ways.
In ChotoJamira village, ITCT has helped poor tribal family to build new home withconstruction materials and labour

The tribal hardly earn their living through farming or by doing odd jobs or by making handicrafts and minimum income. At the beginning of the crop harvesting season, they need funds to buy seeds and fertilizers. When they are starting new handicrafts works many times there is the requirement of capital which they borrow from local moneylender and fall in the trap of high interest. ITCT has started a project wherein it provides interest-free loan to very poor and needy farmer for farming works. Also, there is a poor tribal woman in Choto Jamira village of Hailakandi Assam, who is a widow with two grown children - one is a boy who is suffering from mental-health issues, and her daughter is also not well. With the help of one of our generous donor Gaurav Sharma, Tribal Care Trust is providing monthly ration to this family of three persons every month for the last two years.

If we want to uplift the tribal we need to make them self-dependent and economically independent,and with the objective to uplift the tribal we opened tailoring training centre in Kundanala,
AjodhyaHill, Visakhapatnam where young tribal women are taught tailoring to become self-dependent.Qualified teachers are teaching them basic & advanced levels of tailoring